Sunday, August 25, 2013

Random-ise: Robert Cawdrey's A Table Alphabeticall, -ize and -ise verbs

"Robert Cawdrey's Table Alphabeticall, published in 1604, was the first single-language English dictionary ever published. It lists approximately 3000 words, defining each one with a simple and brief description. A number of the words listed in the 'Table Alphabeticall' were thought of as 'hard' - or unfamiliar to the general public - as they were derived from foreign or ancient languages such as Hebrew, Greek, Latin or French." - British Library
This is part of an investigation I've been doing into the use and spelling of -ize suffix verbs and their spelling (-ize or -ise) in British English. For more details, related posts and the methods I've used, see the -ize / -ise page.

Robert Cawdrey - A Table Alphabeticall 1601

In the main listing the dictionary lists 12 -ize suffix verbs and 10 French -ise verbs .Note that he spells some -ize suffix verbs with a z, and some with an s
Suffix -ize verbsFrench -ise verbs

A note on miguionise

All Google searches seem to lead back to this dictionary.

Showing all instances of -ize and -ise as shown in the main listing

  • [fr] = of French origin
  • (g) = of Greek origin
[fr] aduertise, giue knowledge, aduise, or coun- sell:
[fr] affranchise, set at libertie.
canonise, (g) make a saint, to examine by rule:
catechiser, that teacheth the principles of Christian religion.
circumcise, to cut the priuie skin
[fr] disfranchis, take away freedome:
[fr] disguised, counterfeited, seeming that it is not:
[fr] enfranchise, make free
[fr] enterprise, beginne, take in
epitomise, (g) to make an epitome, or to bring a booke into a lesser volume.
equalize, match, or make equall
gargarise, to wash the mouth, and throate
methodized, (g) brought into order
[fr] miguionise, play the wanton:
particularize, to deuide into parts, and to handle euery particuler.
patronise, defend
scandalize, (g) to offend, or giue occasion, to mislike
solemnize, to doe a thing with great pompe, reuerence, or deuotion
[fr] surprise, to come vpon, and vnawares, and to take of a suddaine.
temporise, to serue the time, or to followe the fashions, and behauiour of the time.
tiranize, vse crueltie
Cawdrey also uses the word baptiser in the definitions (for baptist), but does not include the verb baptize in the main listings
He also uses the words: advise, comprise, despise, devise, exercise and unadvised in the definitions, but doesn't include them in the listings


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